报告题目:Regional Cryosphere Monitoring Framework by Combining in-situ, Remote Sensing and Modeling
报 告 人:Charles Werner 博士
报告时间:2018年5月20日 上午9:00
报告地点:威廉希尔 本部物理楼213会议室
Dr. C. Werner is the vice-president of the executive board and a senior project scientist of Gamma Remote Sensing AG. He received a doctor degree in Systems Engineering at University of Pennsylvania, USA. The main experience of Dr. C. Werner is in the design, construction, applications of SAR systems as well as the development of SAR processing and SAR interferometric software. Currently he is very active in SAR interferometric data processing and the development of applications of single-pass as well as repeat-pass SAR interferometry for topographic mapping, differential motion, land use classification, and the retrieval of geophysical and biophysical parameters over land (including forestry, agricultural, and hydrological applications). Gamma Remote Sensing Research and Consulting AG, is a company founded in January 1995 by Dr. C. Werner and Dr. U. Wegmüller, to conduct research studies in active and passive microwave remote sensing and support customers in the use and interpretation of such data. Main tasks are the project management and acquisition as well as research activity. He served as the member technical staff of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, research scientist at the Remote Sensing Laboratories of the University of Zürich. He is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society.