

发布时间:2020-12-31    作者:      来源:      浏览次数:

[1]  Reconstruction of Wet Refractivity Field Using an Improved Parameterized Tropospheric Tomographic Technique 陈必焰 Chen, Biyan;Dai, Wujiao;Xia, Pengfei;Ao, Minsi;Tan, Jingshu REMOTE SENSING 2020.9

[2]  时空数据Web搜索的研究进展 侯东阳 HOU Dongyang;WU Hao;CHEN Jun 地理信息世界 Geomatics World 2020.8.25

[3]  Loss Architecture Search for Few-Shot Object Recognition 苗则朗 Yue, Jun;Miao, Zelang;He, Yueguang;Du, Nianchun COMPLEXITY 2020.8.24

[4]  顾及空间相关性的GNSS坐标序列插值比较 匡翠林 导航定位学报 Journal of Navigation and Positioning 2020.8.17

[5]  天空冷背景下受力岩石微波辐射特征实验研究 吴立新 XU Zhong-yin;LIU Shan-jun;WU Li-xin;CHE De-fu 东北大学学报(自然科学版) Journal of Northeastern University(Natural Science) 2020.8.15 ei

[6]  1987-2018年祁连山冰川变化遥感监测及影响因子分析 吴立新、李佳 WANG Yingzheng;LI Jia;WU Lixin;GUO Lei;LI Jianjiang 冰川冻土 Journal of Glaciology and Geocryology 2020.8.15

[7]  A Modified Spatiotemporal Mixed-Effects Model for Interpolating Missing Values in Spatiotemporal Observation Data Series 戴吾蛟 Shi, Qiang;Dai, Wujiao;Santerre, Rock;Liu, Ning MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING 2020.8.10

[8]  Enhancing the quality of tomographic image by means of image reconstruction based on hybrid grids 吴立新 Yu, Jieqing;Wang, Wenyue;Holden, Lucas;Liu, Zhiping;Wu, Lixin;Zhang, Shaoliang;Zhang, Kefei ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH 2020.8.1

[9]  手机中卫星导航数据的精度及随机特性 匡翠林 ZENG Shulin;KUANG Cuilin;LI Yanjie 导航定位学报 Journal of Navigation and Positioning 2020.12.16

[10]  Pre- and post-failure spatial-temporal deformation pattern of the Baige landslide retrieved from multiple radar and optical satellite images 熊志强、冯光财、冯志雄、苗露、王跃东、杨定江、罗澍然 Zhiqiang Xiong;Guangcai Feng;Zhixiong Feng;Lu Miao;Yuedong Wang;Dingjiang Yang;Shuran Luo Engineering Geology 2020.12 SCI

[11]  Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibaseline Airborne Interferometric Data Without High-Precision DEMs 王会强、付海强、朱建军、冯光财、杨泽发、汪长城、胡俊、于亚男 Huiqiang Wang, Haiqiang Fu , Jianjun Zhu , Guangcai Feng , Zefa Yang , Changcheng Wang ,Jun Hu , Member, and Yanan Yu REMOTE SENSING 2020.12 SCI

[12]  Exploiting low dimensional features from the MobileNets for remote sensing image retrieval 侯东阳、苗则朗 Hou, Dongyang;Miao, Zelang;Xing, Huaqiao;Wu, Hao EARTH SCIENCE INFORMATICS 2020.12

[13]  Estimation of Coseismic Deformation With Multitemporal Radar Interferometry 胡俊 L. Zhang, J. Hu, X. Ding, Y. Wen and H. Liang IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2020.12 SCI

[14]  High‐Resolution Water Vapor Maps Obtained by Merging Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar and GPS Measurements 曹云梦,李志伟,段梦,韦建超 Yunmeng Cao;Zhiwei Li; Meng Duan;Jianchao Wei Journal of Geophysical Research Atmospheres 2020.12 SCI

[15]  A comprehensive assessment of four-satellite QZSS constellation: navigation signals, broadcast ephemeris, availability, SPP, interoperability with GPS, and ISB against GPS 潘林、余文坤、戴吾蛟 Li, XuanPing;Pan, Lin;Yu, Wenkun;Dai, Wujiao;Li, Yanjie;Peng, Hui SURVEY REVIEW 2020.12

[16]  Analysis of the Decadal Kinematic Characteristics of the Daguangbao Landslide Using Multiplatform Time Series InSAR Observations After the Wenchuan Earthquake 罗兴军、汪长城、龙岩、易重海 Luo Xingjun;Wang Changcheng;Long Yan;Yi Zhonghai 地球物理学研究杂志:固体地球卷 Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 2020.12 SCI

[17]  线性变化消光S-RVoG模型的多基线PolInSAR森林高度反演方法 吴传军、汪长城、沈鹏、朱建军、付海强 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 2020.12 EI

[18]  Comparison of hourly aerosol retrievals from JAXA Himawari/AHI in version 3.0 and a simple customized method 王威 Xu, Weiwei;Wang, Wei;Chen, Biyan SCIENTIFIC REPORTS 2020.11.30

[19]  基于ICA-Kriging的区域电离层VTEC时空模型 陈必焰 第十一届中国卫星导航年会论文集——S04 卫星轨道与系统误差处理 2020.11.23

[20]  Savitzy-Golay算法改善GNSS-MR土壤湿度反演研究 匡翠林 第十一届中国卫星导航年会论文集——S01 卫星导航行业应用 2020.11.23

[21]  Explicit-implicit-integrated 3-D geological modelling approach: A case study of the Xianyan Demolition Volcano (Fujian, China) 吴立新 Guo, Jiateng;Wang, Jiangmei;Wu, Lixin;Liu, Cuizhi;Li, Chaoling;Li, Fengdan TECTONOPHYSICS 2020.11.20

[22]  Microwave Brightness Temperature Anomalies Associated With the 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha and Mw 7.3 Dolakha Earthquakes in Nepal 吴立新 Yuan Qi; Lixin Wu; Yifan Ding; Wenfei Mao  IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2020.11.19

[23]  A local feature extraction method for UAV-based image registration based on virtual line descriptors 戴吾蛟 Xing, Lei;Dai, Wujiao SIGNAL IMAGE AND VIDEO PROCESSING 2020.11

[24]  Polarimetric SAR Decomposition by Incorporating a Rotated Dihedral Scattering Model. 韩文涛、付海强、朱建军、汪长城、解清华 Wentao Han; Haiqiang Fu; Jianjun Zhu; Changcheng Wang; Qinghua Xie IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2020.11 SCI

[25]  Ensemble of ERDTs for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using MRS Object-Guided Morphological Profiles 苗则朗 Samat, Alim;Li, Erzhu;Liu, Sicong;Miao, Zelang;Wang, Wei JOURNAL OF IMAGING 2020.11

[26]  Performance Evaluation of Real-Time Precise Point Positioning with Both BDS-3 and BDS-2 Observations 潘林、余文坤、戴吾蛟、匡翠林 Pan, Lin;Li, Xuanping;Yu, Wenkun;Dai, Wujiao;Kuang, Cuilin;Chen, Jun;Chen, Fade;Xia, Pengfei SENSORS 2020.11

[27]  Present‐Day Deformation Mechanism of the Northeastern Mina Deflection Revealed by the 2020 Mw 6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake 许文斌 Xiaofei Chen; Ao Zheng; Xiaofei Chen; Wenbin Xu Geophysical Research Letters 2020.11 SCI

[28]  Improved performance of ERA5 in global tropospheric delay retrieval 匡翠林 Zhou, Yaozong;Lou, Yidong;Zhang, Weixing;Kuang, Cuilin;Liu, Wenxun;Bai, Jingna JOURNAL OF GEODESY 2020.10.12

[29]  Surface deformation evolution in the Pearl River Delta between 2006 and 2011 derived from the ALOS1/PALSAR images 李更尔、冯光财、熊志强、刘琦、谢荣安 Genger Li; Guangcai Feng; Zhiqiang Xiong; Qi Liu; Rongan Xie; Xiaoling Zhu; Shuran Luo; Yanan Du Earth, Planets and Space 2020.10 SCI

[30]  Two decades of settlement of Hong Kong International Airport measured with multi-temporal InSAR 杨泽发 Wu, Songbo;Yang, Zefa;Ding, Xiaoli;Zhang, Bochen;Zhang, Lei;Lu, Zhong REMOTE SENSING OF ENVIRONMENT 2020.10

[31]  Estimation of Equivalent Number of Looks in Time-Series Pol(In)SAR Data 沈鹏、汪长城、付海强、朱建军、胡俊 Peng Shen; Changcheng Wang; Haiqiang Fu; Jianjun Zhu; Jun Hu Remote Sening 2020.08 SCI

[32]  A New Weighting Method by Considering the Physical Characteristics of Atmospheric Turbulence and Decorrelation Noise in SBAS-InSAR 段梦,许兵,李志伟,吴文豪 Meng Duan; Bing Xu; Zhiwei Li; Wenhao Wu Remote Sening 2020.08 SCI

[33]  Source Model of the 2014 Mw 6.9 Yutian Earthquake at the Southwestern End of the Altyn Tagh Fault in Tibet Estimated from Satellite Images 许文斌 Xing Li; Wenbin Xu;Sigurjón Jónsson;Yann Klinger Seismological Research Letters 91(6) 2020.08 SCI

[34]  A hybrid source mechanism of the 2017 Mw 6.5 Jiuzhaigou earthquake revealed by the joint inversion 许文斌 Ao Zheng;Xiangwei Yu;Wenbin Xu;Xiaofei Chen;Wenbo Zhang Tectonophysics  2020.08 SCI

[35]  Assessing the performance of GPS tomography at retrieving water vapour fields during landfalling atmospheric rivers over southern California 陈必焰 Chen, Biyan;Yu, Wenkun;Dai Wujiao, Wu Hao, Wang Wei Meteorological Applications 2020.07

[36]  Network-constrained bivariate clustering method for detecting urban black holes and volcanoes 刘启亮,吴智慧,邓敏,刘文凯,刘耀林 Liu QL, Wu ZH, Deng M, Liu WK, Liu YL 国际地理信息科学学报 International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2020 SCI/SSCI

[37]  Statistical Study of Loss of GPS Signals Caused by Severe and Great Geomagnetic Storms 吴立新 Zhang, Shixuan;He, Liming;Wu, Lixin JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SPACE PHYSICS 2020.9

[38]  A Hybrid Weight Assignment Model for Urban Underground Space Resources Evaluation Integrated with the Weight of Time Dimension 吴立新 Liu, Dixu;Wu, Lixin;Yang, Yang APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020.8

[39]  Correction of Time-Varying Baseline Errors Based on Multibaseline Airborne Interferometric Data Without High-Precision DEMs 王会强、付海强、朱建军、冯光财、杨泽发、汪长城、胡俊、于亚男 Huiqiang Wang; Haiqiang Fu; Jianjun Zhu; Guangcai Feng; Zefa Yang; Changcheng Wang; Jun Hu; Yanan Yu IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 2020.12 SCI

[40]  Random Sample Fitting Method to Determine the Planetary Boundary Layer Height Using Satellite-Based Lidar Backscatter Profiles 王威 Du, Lin;Pan, Ya'ni;Wang, Wei REMOTE SENSING 2020.12

[41]  Modelling traffic flows and estimating road travel times in transportation network under dynamic disturbances 吴立新 Jiang, Jincheng;Dellaert, Nico;Van Woensel, Tom;Wu, Lixin TRANSPORTATION 2020.12

[42]  Hydrothermal anomalies of the Earth's surface and crustal seismicity related to Ms8.0 Wenchuan EQ 吴立新 Zheng, Shuo;Qin, Kai;Wu, Lixin;An, Yanfei;Yin, Qifeng;Lai, Chunkit NATURAL HAZARDS 2020.12

[43]  Fusion of public DEMs based on sparse representation and adaptive regularization variation model 管李义、胡俊、潘红播、吴文清、孙倩、陈斯飏、范海生 Liyi Guan; JunHu; Hongbo Pan; Wenqing Wu; Qian Sun; Siyang Chen; Haisheng Fan ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2020.11 SCI

[44]  Precise Topographic Model Assisted Slope Displacement Retrieval from Small Baseline Subsets Results: Case Study over a High and Steep Mining Slope 吴立新 Wei, Lianhuan;Feng, Qiuyue;Liu, Feiyue;Mao, Yachun;Liu, Shanjun;Yang, Tianhong;Tolomei, Cristiano;Bignami, Christian;Wu, Lixin SENSORS 2020.11

[45]  Additional Microwave Radiation from Experimentally Loaded Granite Covered with Sands Layers Features and Mechanisms 吴立新 Wenfei Mao , Lixin Wu, Shanjun Liu, Xiang Gao , Jianwei Huang , Zhongyin Xu, and Yuan Qi IEEE Transaction on Geoscience & Remote Sensing 2020.1

[46]  Independent temporal and spatial variation analysis of ionospheric TEC over Asia-pacific area based on BDS GEO satellites 蔡昌盛 Xiaotao Bai, Changsheng Cai Measurement Science and Technology 2020 SCI

[47]  浅析面向留学研究生教育的测绘类课程体系构建 蔡昌盛、匡翠林 CAI Changsheng;ZOU Bin;MA Huiyun;KUANG Cuilin 测绘与空间地理信息 2020

[48]  An Improved Multi-Satellite Method for Evaluating Real-Time BDS Satellite Clock Offset Products 蔡昌盛、潘林、匡翠林 Yuan, Zhimin;Cai, Changsheng;Pan, Lin;Kuang, Cuilin REMOTE SENSING 2020

[49]  Reconstruction of Wet Refractivity Field Using an Improved Parameterized Tropospheric Tomographic Technique 陈必焰 Chen, Biyan; Dai, Wujiao; Xia, Pengfei; Ao, Minsi; Tan, Jingshu REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[50]  Better thresholds and weights to improve GNSS PPP under ionospheric scintillation activity at low latitudes 陈必焰 Xiaomin Luo, Shengfeng Gu, Yidong Lou, Biyan Chen & Weiwei Song  GPS Solutions 2020 SCI

[51]  Two typical ionospheric irregularities associated with the tropical cyclones Tembin (2012) and Hagibis (2014) 陈必焰 Yidong Lou , Xiaomin Luo,  Shengfeng Gu , Chao Xiong , Qian Song , Biyan Chen,  Qinqin Xiao,Dezhong Chen,  Zheng Zhang,  Gang Zheng Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 2020 SCI

[52]  Assessing the performance ofGPStomography at retrieving water vapour fields during landfalling atmospheric rivers over southern California 陈杰 Chen, Biyan; Yu, Wenkun; Dai, Wujiao; Wu, Hao; Wang, Wei METEOROLOGICAL APPLICATIONS 2020 SCI

[53]  Sulfur isotopic compositions of sulfides along the Southwest Indian Ridge: implications for mineralization in ultramafic rocks 陈杰 Ding, Teng; Tao, Chunhui; Dias, Agata Alveirinho; Liang, Jin; Chen, Jie; Wu, Bin; Ma, Dongsheng; Zhang, Rongqing; Wang, Jia; Liao, Shili; Wang, Yuan; Yang, Weifang; Liu, Jia; Li, Wei; Zhang, Guoyin; Huang, Hui MINERALIUM DEPOSITA 2020 SCI

[54]  "SPMF-Net: Weakly supervised building

[55]  segmentation by combining superpixel pooling and multi-Scale feature fusion" 陈杰,何玢,张轶,孙庚,邓敏 Chen, J; He, F; Zhang, Y; Sun, G; Deng, M "Remote

[56]  Sensing" 2020 SCI

[57]  "Multi-scale spatial and channel-wise attention

[58]  for improving object detection in remote sensing imagery" 陈杰,万里,朱晶茹,徐刚,邓敏 Chen, J; Wan, L; Zhu, J R; Xu, G; Deng, M*; "IEEE Geoscience and Remote

[59]  Sensing Letters" 2020 SCI

[60]  "Detecting statistically significant geographical anomalous regions from spatial

[61]  sampling points by coupling Gaussian function and multidirectional optimization" 邓敏 Xuexi Yang, Min Deng, Yan Shi*, Jianbo Tang, Zhou Huang, Yu Liu Transactions in GIS 2020 SSCI

[62]  结合图像增强和恢复的增强现实跟踪注册 范冲 GUO Shixiang;FAN You;FAN Chong 测绘通报 Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping 2020

[63]  Understanding Land Subsidence Along the Coastal Areas of Guangdong, China, by Analyzing Multi-Track MTInSAR Data 冯光财 Du, YN; Feng, GC; Liu, L; Fu, HQ ; Peng, X ; Wen, DB Remote Sens 2020 SCI

[64]  InSAR视角下准噶尔盆地农业灌溉区地表形变特征和演化规律 " 王海艳,冯光财,苗露,谭佶,熊志强" 遥感学报 2020 EI

[65]  Displacement history and potential triggering factors of Baige landslides, China revealed by optical imagery time series 丁超、冯光财、廖明生、陶鹏杰、张露、许强 Chao Ding, Guangcai Feng, Mingsheng Liao, Pengjie Tao, Lu Zhang, Qiang Xu Remote Sensing of Environment 2020 SCI

[66]  Contribution of vegetation change to the surface radiation budget: A satellite perspective. Global and Planetary Change 冯徽徽,叶书朝,邹滨 Huihui Feng, Shuchao Ye, Bin Zou Global and Planetary Change 2020 SCI

[67]  Satellite-based separation of climatic and surface influences on global aerosol change 冯徽徽,邹滨 Huihui Feng, Bin Zou International Journal of Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[68]  长株潭城市群气溶胶时空分布与传输规律 丁莹, 冯徽徽, 邹滨, 刘宁, 叶书朝 中国环境科学 2020 EI

[69]  A Multibaseline PolInSAR Forest Height Inversion Model Based on Fourier-Legendre Polynomials, 付海强 Bing Zhang, Haiqiang Fu, Jianjun Zhu, Xing Peng, Qinghua Xie, Dongfang Lin, Zhiwei Liu IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2020 SCI

[70]  Penetration Depth Inversion in Hyperarid Desert From L-Band InSAR Data Based on a Coherence Scattering Model 付海强 Guanxin Liu, Haiqiang Fu, Jianjun Zhu, Changcheng Wang IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2020 SCI

[71]  A Filtering Method for ICESat-2 Photon Point Cloud Data Based on Relative Neighboring Relationship and Local Weighted Distance Statistics 付海强 Yi Li, Haiqiang Fu, Jianjun Zhu, Changcheng Wang IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 2020 SCI

[72]  A Framework for Correcting Ionospheric Artifacts and Atmospheric Effects to Generate High Accuracy InSAR DEM 付海强 Zhiwei Liu, Cui Zhou, Haiqiang Fu, Jianjun Zhu, Tingying Zuo Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[73]  The surge of the Hispar Glacier, Central Karakoram: SAR 3‐D flow velocity time series and thickness changes 李佳 Lei Guo, Jia Li, Zhiwei Li, Lixin Wu, Xin Li, Jun Hu, Huilin Li, Hongyi Li, Zenglang Miao, Zhongqin Li  Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2020 SCI

[74]  Investigating the Recent Surge in the Monomah Glacier, Central Kunlun Mountain Range with Multiple Sources of Remote Sensing Data 李佳 Lei Guo, Jia Li, Lixin Wu, Zhiwei Li, Yanyang Liu, Xin Li, Zelang Miao, Wei Wang: Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[75]  Kinematic Coregistration of Sentinel-1 TOPSAR Images Based on Sequential Least Squares Adjustment 李志伟 Bing Xu, Zhiwei Li, Yan Zhu, Jiancun Shi, Guangcai Feng IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[76]  顾及功能语义特征的建筑物空间分布模式识别方法 刘慧敏,胡文柯,唐建波,石岩,邓敏 测绘学报 2020 EI

[77]  Recognizing urban functional zones by a hierarchical fusion method considering landscape features and human activities 刘慧敏,唐建波,邓敏 Huimin Liu; Yiyuan Xu; Jianbo Tang; Min Deng; Jincai Huang; Wentao Yang; Fang Wu Transactions in GIS 2020 SCI

[78]  Recognizing urban functional zones by a hierarchical fusion method considering landscape features and human activities 刘慧敏,徐一源,唐建波*,邓敏,黄金彩,杨文涛,武芳 Liu Huimin, Xu Yiyuan, Tang Jianbo*, Deng Min, Huang Jincai, Yang Wentao & Wu Fang Transactions in GIS 2020 SSCI

[79]  Network-constrained Bivariate Clustering Method for Detecting Urban Black Holes and Volcanoes 刘启亮 "

[80]  Qiliang Liu, Zhihui Wu, Min Deng, Wenkai Liu & Yaolin Liu" 2020

[81]  Network-constrained bivariate clustering method for detecting urban black holes and volcanoes 刘启亮,吴智慧,邓敏,刘文凯,刘耀林 Liu Qiliang, Wu Zhihui,Deng Min(corresponding author), Liu Wenkai, Liu Yaolin International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2020 SCI、SSCI

[82]  Exploring Spatially Non-stationary Relationships in the Determinants of Mineralization in 3D Geological Space 毛先成 Huang, Jixian; Mao, Xiancheng; Chen, Jin; Deng, Han; Dick, Effrey M.; Liu, Zhankun NATURAL RESOURCES RESEARCH 2020 SCI

[83]  An adaptive detection of multilevel co-location patterns based on natural neighborhoods 毛先成 Liu Qiliang,Liu Wenkai,Deng Min(corresponding author),Cai Jiannan,Liu Yaolin International Journal of Geographical Information Science 2020 SCI、SSCI

[84]  3D Mineral Prospectivity Modeling for the Low-Sulfidation Epithermal Gold Deposit: A Case Study of the Axi Gold Deposit, Western Tianshan, NW China 毛先成 Mao, Xiancheng; Zhang, Wei; Liu, Zhankun; Ren, Jia; Bayless, Richard C.; Deng, Hao  MINERALS 2020 SCI

[85]  Two-stage gold mineralization of the Axi epithermal Au deposit, Western Tianshan, NW China: Evidence from Re-Os dating, S isotope, and trace elements of pyrite 毛先成 Liu, Zhankun; Mao, Xiancheng; Ackerman, Lukas; Li, Bin; Dick, Jeffrey M.; Yu, Miao; Peng, Jiantang; Shahzad, Syed Muzyan MINERALIUM DEPOSITA 2020 SCI

[86]  甘肃早子沟金矿三维建模与综合成矿预测 " 李伟,陈建平,贾玉乐,周冠云,毛先成,肖克炎" 地球学报 2020 EI

[87]  Application of an Incomplete Landslide Inventory and One Class Classifier to Earthquake-Induced Landslide Susceptibility Mapping 苗则朗 Chen, Shuai; Miao, Zelang; Wu, Lixin; He, Yueguang IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[88]  New Scheme for Impervious Surface Area Mapping From SAR Images With Auxiliary User-Generated Content 苗则朗 Wu, Wen; Miao, Zelang; Xiao, Yuelong; Li, Zhongbin; Zang, Anshu; Samat, Alim; Du, Nianchun; Xu, Zhuokui; Gamba, Paolo IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[89]  The impact of horizontal errors on the accuracy of freely available Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) 潘红播 Guan, Liyi; Pan, Hongbo; Zou, Siyuan; Hu, Jun; Zhu, Xiaoyong; Zhou, Ping INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[90]  带有界不确定性的加权混合估计方法 " 宋迎春,宋采薇,左廷英" 武汉大学学报:信息科学版 2020 EI

[91]  加权混合估计中权值的确定方法 " 宋迎春,宋采薇,左廷英" 测绘学报 2020 EI

[92]  有界不确定性平差模型的一种迭代算法 " 夏玉国,宋迎春,赵邵杰" 大地测量与地球动力学 2020

[93]  一种求解不等式约束秩亏平差问题的新算法 " 赵邵杰,宋迎春,邓才华" 大地测量与地球动力学 2020

[94]  Spatial Information Considered Network for Scene Classification 陶超 Chao Tao,W. Lu, J. Qi, and H. Wang IEEE Geosciences and remote sensing letter 2020 SCI

[95]  SCAttNet: Semantic Segmentation Network With Spatial and Channel Attention Mechanism for High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images 陶超 H.F.Li, K.J. Chou, Chen, Li, Chao Tao IEEE Geosciences and remote sensing letter 2020 SCI

[96]  高分辨率遥感影像语义分割的半监督全卷积网络法 耿艳磊,陶超,沈靖,邹峥嵘 测绘学报(录用待刊) 2020 EI

[97]  Polarimetric Stationarity Omnibus Test (PSOT) for Selecting Persistent Scatterer Candidates with Quad-Polarimetric SAR Datasets 汪长城 Luo, Xingjun; Wang, Changcheng; Shen, Peng SENSORS 2020 SCI

[98]  Analysis of the Decadal Kinematic Characteristics of the Daguangbao Landslide Using Multiplatform Time Series InSAR Observations After the Wenchuan Earthquake 汪长城 Luo, XJ (Luo, Xingjun) ; Wang, CC (Wang, Changcheng) ; Long, Y (Long, Yan) ; Yi, ZH (Yi, Zhonghai) JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 2020 SCI

[99]  Estimation of Equivalent Number of Looks in Time-Series Pol(In)SAR Data 汪长城 Shen, Peng; Wang, Changcheng; Fu, Haiqiang; Zhu, Jianjun; Hu, Jun REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[100]  由热带气旋MATTHEW引起的非潮汐负荷效应影响 王琪洁 地球物理学报 2020 SCI

[101]  Solar cycle prediction using a long short-term memory deep learning model 王琪洁 Wang, Qijie; Li, Jiachen; Guo, Liangqi Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2020 SCI

[102]  Spatiotemporal Ocean Tidal Loading in InSAR measurements Determined by Kinematic PPP Solutions of a Regional GPS Network 王琪洁 Wei Peng, Qijie Wang, F. Benjamin Zhan, Yunmeng Cao IEEE JOURNAL OF SELECTED TOPICS IN APPLIED EARTH OBSERVATIONS AND REMOTE SENSING 2020 SCI

[103]  The Extraction of Ocean Tidal Loading from ASAR Differential Interferograms 王琪洁 Wei Peng, Qijie Wang, Yunmeng Cao Sensors 2020 SCI

[104]  Improvement in hourly PM2.5 estimations for the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region by introducing an aerosol modeling product from MASINGAR 王威 Zhang, Yixiao; Wang, Wei; Ma, Yingying; Wu, Lixin; Xu, Weiwei; Li, Jia 环境污染 ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 2020 SCI

[105]  A new method for evaluating rock mass quality of slopes based on interval continuous mathematical models 吴立新 Wu LX, Liu DX, Cao P Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 2020 SCI

[106]  Impact of Compressive Stress on Microwave Dielectric Properties of Feldspar Specimen 吴立新 Mao WF, Wu LX*, Qi Y IEEE Transaction on Geoscience & Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[107]  Spatio-temporally Weighted Two-Step Method for Retrieving Seismic MBT Anomaly: May 2008 Wenchuan Earthquake Sequence Being a Case 吴立新 Qi Y, Wu LX*, He M, Mao WF IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[108]  汶川地震前多圈层短-临遥感异常回顾及其时空关联性 何苗, 吴立新*, 崔静, 王威, 齐源, 毛文飞, 苗则朗, 陈必焰, 申旭辉 遥感学报 2020 EI

[109]  天-空-地协同的露天矿边坡智能监测技术及典型应用 刘善军,吴立新*,毛亚纯,贺黎明,王植,许志华,魏恋欢,杨泽发 煤炭学报 2020 EI

[110]  Adaptively Selecting Interferograms for SBAS-InSAR Based on Graph Theory and Turbulence Atmosphere 许兵 Meng Duan, Bing Xu, Zhiwei Li, Wenhao Wu, Jiancao Wei, Yunmeng Cao, Jihong Liu IEEE ACCESS 2020 SCI

[111]  Non-differential water vapor estimation from SBAS-InSAR 许兵 Meng Duan, Bing Xu, Zhiwei Li, Yunmeng Cao, Jun Hu, Wenbin Xu, Jianchao Wei, Guangcai Feng Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 2020 SCI

[112]  Improved optical image matching time series inversion approach for monitoring dune migration in North Sinai Sand Sea: Algorithm procedure, application, and validation 许文斌 Eslam Ali, Wenbin Xu, Xiaoli Ding ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 2020 SCI

[113]  A Shallow Shock: The 25 February 2019 M-L 4.9 Earthquake in the Weiyuan Shale Gas Field in Sichuan, China 许文斌 Yang, Hongfeng; Zhou, Pengcheng; Fang, Nan; Zhu, Gaohua; Xu, Wenbin; Su, Jinrong; Meng, Fanbao; Chu, Risheng SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2020 SCI

[114]  Oblique fault movement during the 2016 Mw 5.9 Zaduo earthquake: insights into regional tectonics of the Qiangtang block, Tibetan Plateau 许文斌 Yu, Jiansheng; Zhao, Bin; Xu, Wenbin; Wang, Dongzhen; Tan, Kai JOURNAL OF SEISMOLOGY 2020 SCI

[115]  Integration of coseismic deformation into WebGIS for near real-time disaster evaluation and emergency response 许文斌 Zhao, Rui; Liu, Xintao; Xu, Wenbin ENVIRONMENTAL EARTH SCIENCES 2020 SCI

[116]  Present-Day Deformation Mechanism of the Northeastern Mina Deflection Revealed by the 2020, M-w 6.5 Monte Cristo Range Earthquake 许文斌 Zheng, Ao; Chen, Xiaofei; Xu, Wenbin GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH LETTERS 2020 SCI

[117]  Analysis of the quality of daily DEM generation with geosynchronous InSAR 杨泽发 Zefa Yang, Qingjun Zhang, Xiaoli Ding Engineering 2020 SCI

[118]  Use of SAR/InSAR in mining deformation monitoring, parameter inversion, and forward predictions: a review 杨泽发 Zefa Yang, Zhiwei Li, Jianjun Zhu IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine 2020 SCI

[119]  Use of SAR/InSAR in Mining Deformation Monitoring Parameter Inversion and Forward Predictions 杨泽发 Zefa Yang, Zhiwei Li, Jianjun Zhu, Yuedong Wang, Lixin WU IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magzine 2020 SCI

[120]  An adaptive terrain-dependent method for SRTM DEM correction over mountainous areas 杨泽发 Cui Zhou, Gui Zhang, Zefa Yang IEEE Access 2020 SCI

[121]  Two decades of settlement of Hong Kong International Airport measured with multi-temporal InSAR 杨泽发 Songbo Wu, Zefa Yang, Xiaoli Ding Remote Sensing of Environment 2020 SCI

[122]  Fusing adjacent-track InSAR datasets to densify the temporal resolution of time-series 3-D displacement estimation overmining areas with a prior deformation model and a generalized weighting least-squares method 杨泽发 Yuedong Wang,  Zefa Yang, Zhiwei Li,  Jianjun Zhu, Lixin Wu Jounal of Geodesy 2020 SCI

[123]  Fusing adjacent-track InSAR datasets to densify the temporal resolution of time-series 3-D displacement estimation over mining areas with a prior deformation model and a generalized weighting least-squares method 杨泽发 Yuedong Wang, Zefa Yang, Zhiwei Li Journal of Geodesy 2020 SCI

[124]  Analysis of the Decadal Kinematic Characteristics of the Daguangbao Landslide Using Multiplatform Time Series InSAR Observations After the Wenchuan Earthquake 易重海 Luo, Xingjun;Wang, Changcheng;Long, Yan;Yi, Zhonghai JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-SOLID EARTH 2020

[125]  基于小波分析提取单频GNSS伪距多路径误差及其对定位的影响 李志鹏,易重海*,侯红科 测绘与空间地理信息 2020 国内一般公开发行刊物

[126]  Extracting Building Areas from Photogrammetric DSM and DOM by Automatically Selecting Training Samples from Historical DLG Data 张云生 Chen, Siyang  Zhang, Yunsheng ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2020 SCI

[127]  “测绘程序设计”基础课程达成度评价及持续改进探讨 张云生、潘林 公司产品论坛 jiaoyu jiaoxue luntan 2020

[128]  Urban Multi-Source Spatio-Temporal Data Analysis Aware Knowledge Graph Embedding 赵玲 Ling Zhao, Hanhan Deng, Linyao Qiu, Sumin Li, Zhixiang Hou, Hai Sun  and Yun Chen* Symmetry 2020 SCI

[129]  OSM简单目标增量更新质量控制与评价的自动化方法 " 董海峰,周晓光,赵变利" 地理信息世界 2020

[130]  众源地理数据的质量问题与研究进展 " 周晓光,赵肄江" 地理信息世界 2020

[131]  A Simplified CityGML-Based 3D Indoor Space Model for Indoor Applications 周晓光、侯东阳 Sun, Qun;Zhou, Xiaoguang;Hou, Dongyang APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL 2020

[132]  A review of underlying topography estimation over forest areas by InSAR: Theory, advances, challenges, and perspectives 朱建军 Yanzhou Xie, Jianjun Zhu, Haiqiaing Fu, Changcheng Wang Journal of Central South University 2020 SCI

[133]  基于S-RVoG模型的PolInSAR森林高度非线性复数最小二乘反演算法 解清华、朱建军、汪长城、付海强、张兵 测绘学报 2020 EI

[134]  双极化干涉SAR林下地形反演 刘雅佳、朱建军、付海强 测绘工程 2020 CSCD

[135]  Sub-Canopy Topography Estimation from TanDEM-X DEM by Fusing ALOS-2 PARSAR-2 InSAR Coherence and GEDI Data 谭鹏源、朱建军、付海强、汪长城、刘志卫、张晨 Tan, PY;Zhu, JJ;Fu, HQ;Wang, CC;Liu, ZW;Zhang, C SENSORS 2020 SCI

[136]  TanDEM-X干涉SAR森林高度反演研究现状 张涛、朱建军、付海强、汪长城、谢雁洲 地理信息世界 2020 CSCD

[137]  Evaluation of the Vertical Accuracy of Open Global DEMs over Steep Terrain Regions Using ICESat Data: A Case Study over Hunan Province, China.  刘志卫、朱建军、付海强、周璀、左廷英 Liu, ZW;Zhu, JJ;Fu, HQ;Zhou, C;Zuo, TY SENSORS 2020 SCI

[138]  Healthier routes planning: A new method and online implementation for minimizing air pollution exposure risk 邹滨 Bin Zou , Shenxin Li , Zhong Zheng , et al Computers Environment and Urban Systems 2020

[139]  An Effective and Efficient Enhanced Fixed Rank Smoothing Method for the Spatiotemporal Fusion of Multiple-Satellite Aerosol Optical Depth Products 邹滨 Bin Zou, Ning Liu, Wei Wang , et al Remote Sensing 2020

[140]  Multisource spectral-integrated estimation of cadmium concentrations in soil using a direct standardization and Spiking algorithm 邹滨 Zou, Bin; Jiang, Xiaolu; Feng, Huihui; Tu, Yulong; Tao, Chao SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 2020 SCI

[141]  Anthropogenic factors of PM 2.5 distributions in China's major urban agglomerations: A spatial-temporal analysis 邹滨 Xiangping Liu, Bin Zou* , Huihui Feng , et al  Journal of Cleaner Production 2020 SCI

[142]  Hyperspectral Inversion of Chromium Content in Soil Using Support Vector Machine Combined with Lab and Field Spectra 邹滨 Yun Xue, Bin Zou*, Yimin Wen, et al Sustainability 2020 SCI

[143]  Hyperspectral Modeling of Pb Content in Mining Area Based on Spectral Feature Band Extracted from Near Standard Soil Samples 邹滨 Zhou Mo; Zou Bin; Tu Yu-long; Xia Ji-pin SPECTROSCOPY AND SPECTRAL ANALYSIS 2020 SCI

[144]  有色金属矿区土壤铬污染遥感反演研究 " 陈宇波,薛云,邹滨,文益民,周松林" 威廉希尔学报:自然科学版 2020 EI

[145]  关联类标准化样品特征波段的矿区土壤重金属Pb高光谱反演 " 周茉,邹滨,涂宇龙,夏吉品" 光谱学与光谱分析 2020 SCI

[146]  不确定性约束下的AOD空间覆盖STRE建模优化 方新 邹滨*,刘宁 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 2020 EI

[147]  Anthropogenic factors of PM2.5 distributions in China's major urban agglomerations: A spatial-temporal analysis 刘湘平; 邹滨(通讯作者); 冯徽徽; 刘宁; 张鸿辉 Liu, Xiangping; Zou, Bin; Feng, Huihui; Liu, Ning;Zhang, Honghui JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2020 SCI

[148]  PM_(2.5)浓度空间估算的神经网络与克里格方法对比 许珊, 邹滨*,王敏,刘宁 武汉大学学报(信息科学版) 2020 EI

[149]  A temporally-calibrated method for crowdsourcing based mapping of intra-urban PM2.5 concentrations 郑忠; 邹滨(通讯作者); 王永前; 李沈鑫;  高阳华; 杨世琦 Zheng, Zhong; Zou, Bin; Wang, Yongqian; Li, Shenxin; Gao, Yanghua; Yang, Shiqi JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 2020 SCI

[150]  改进半全局匹配的高分卫星影像DSM提取方法 " 邹思远,邹峥嵘,潘红播,李冰川" 测绘科学 2020

[151]  一种附非负约束秩亏平差模型的迭代算法 " 郝天恒,左廷英,赵邵杰" 测绘科学 2020

[152]  带球约束的平差算法及应用 " 左廷英,陈邦举,宋迎春" 大地测量与地球动力学 2020
